October 31, 2008

I Love You

By: Anonymous 

I love you. 
It's not a weight you must carry around.
I love you.
It's not a box that holds you in.
I love you.
It's not a standard you have to bear.
I love you.
It's not a sacrifice I make.
I love you.
It's not a pedestal you are frozen upon.
I love you.
It's not an expectation of perfection.
I love you.
It's not my life's whole purpose (or your's).
I love you.
It's not to make you change.
I love you.
It's not even to make you love me.
I love you.
It's as pure and simple as that.


. said...

haha... lucu

trick or treat?
happy hellowen dah...

Neeponk said...

@ oom koko halah poetry koq lucu siy..
OOT nih keknya..
Di blog pun bisa OOT ternyata..
happy halloween too, i choose treat of course..:D