After reading the novel, here comes the movie...
Laskar Pelangi the movie has been the most expected movie recently. At least for me, it is!
Over all the movie was great. Although with a little cut in few parts and add few new things, we still can catch the essence. Maybe for those who didn't read the novel got little bit confuse with the story and the character of each children. My friends for example. They didn't read the book, and they're asking me few questions bout the story. Coz however 2 hours movie couldn't cover the whole story of a novel. So i recommend u to read the novel first.
What i really like bout the movie is that they're using the Belitong's children, so it helps in making the movie feels real. They're so natural, and it's a really good point for me.
What i don't really like bout the movie is that sometimes they're making it bigger than it should have, or in another word, they're dramatizing the movie. I don't really like that, coz for me the story itself already being a great and deep story, without needing more unnecessary spices here and there. Hope they won't do that again in the next movie.
Especially bcoz Sang Pemimpi is my favorite part of the tetralogy.
For you who hasn't watch the movie, i recommend u to watch this movie.
Hope u can be inspired by the movie!!
And hope someday we also can be an inspiration...
nonton ga ngajak2.. hixx..
apajie.. :P
Yupi... laskar pelangi versi film merupakan penyempurnaan dari novel. Ide dan misi yang dibawa juga merupakan tambahan dari filmnya. Hal yang tak terduga adalah penulis mengambil langkah untuk berhenti ber"novel".
Hebat memang, ku akui "sangar". Pemikiran penulis, si Andrea, yang maju dan berkembang. My appreciate for Andrea...
minggu lalu sempat nonton film ini, hmmm cuma sangat garing kalau menurut saya. Ada beberapa scene yang terkesan sangat dipaksakan dan berlebih-lebihan (misal waktu pak kepsek-nya bercerita) . Tapi sepertinya gaya seperti ini sudah jadi ciri khas film indonesia selain film horor yang tidak menakutkannya. (dalam film NagaBonar jadi 2 juga ada scence yang substansinya mirip dengan itu).
Kalau dari kualitas gambar yah .. lumayan bagus, saya suka gaya pengambilan gambarnya.
ada lagi satu yang membuatnya makin kurang enak dinonton (IMHO).... "sempat beberapa saat serasa nonton pelem india" ... (Padang Rumput/lapangan + orang menyanyi) ,,, :)) :))
Kesimpulannya .. lebih enak baca novelnya ..
@Rani, maaf ran,
waktu itu bareng temen2 kul, jadi yah..
@pak amad,
yah, mungkin itulah sdikit kelebihan dari film2 Indonesia yg perlu agak sedikit dikurangi..
Hehehe.. cheers!
kk nil katanya gak suka nonton film indooo
Yang kakak nila gak suka itu film indo yg gak bermutu dan gak jelas, klw Laskar Pelangi, yah penasaran aja filmnya kyk gimana, coz kk suka bgt sm novelnya.
It so much inspiring me:)
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